Monday, November 4, 2019

All You Need To Know About Alloy Wheel Refurbishment

Anything we buy needs to be cared for if you want it to last for a long time. Nothing is designed to last for eternity and needs to be checked from time to time. Without caring, anything can wear down and go to waste.

For example your car.

Numerous small parts work in unison to provide you with the various functions that you can utilise your car for. You need to take your car for maintenance regularly and ensure that there isn’t anything that is left unchecked.

However, we have found several car owners who believe that wheels are meant to only be mounted once and forgotten.

Hell no! NEVER do that.

You need to keep an eye on them, always, and get them checked as soon as you spot any damages or wear.

Alloy Wheels- A Better Deal?

Alloy wheels are made up of alloys of aluminium, magnesium or both. These wheels are lighter and more malleable, giving them the ability to be shaped into some of the most exquisite designs. They provide better fuel efficiency, heat dissipation and braking abilities, while they make sure to not exert too much load on the tyres and suspension components.

Unlike the traditional steel wheels, alloy wheels are immune to rusting. They do corrode. But the residue is a white powder in place of the brownish-orange colour of rust. Alloy Wheel Refurbishment UK is an excellent method to save your wheels. You should not be given up on them at the first signs of corrosion. Take them to a professional, who will remove any wearing and return the wheel to its glorious state.

Refurbishment Process

While you can take a shot it as well, let a professional do the job. Sometimes it’s better to let the experts do their job rather than giving our unneeded insights. The wheel needs to be taken off and checked for any damages. Taking off the tyre helps in making sure that all the damages can be dealt with and that the wheel refurbishment process is done efficiently.

  1. Preparation
    Once the wheel has been removed and the tyre has been stripped off, the wheel is blasted to remove any residue of the previous adhesive or any dirt that would reduce the smoothness of the coating.
    Doing this also helps is removing corrosion if there is any on the wheel. Clearing the surface completely makes sure that the refurbishment the process is done properly and efficient results are obtained.
  1. Painting
    Once the surface is clean of all foreign particles, a base coat is applied. It is usually a silver metallic paint. This is where expertise is needed. Only by practising can you achieve the skill of efficient application.
    Professionals will follow a specific pattern to ensure that the paint is applied evenly across the wheel surface. You might find them starting the application from 6 o’clock and going clockwise until they’re back where they started. This helps make sure that the paint is spread out evenly.
    If you keep a close eye, you might find him doing this quickly. This is because the paint needs to be wet when he returns to the spot he started. Being wet helps the paint to blend well, and not have different shades of the same colour on a wheel.

Why go to a Professional?

  1. First of all, a professional has much more experience in dealing with the complexities of paint and its textures. He has been practising for years and can definitely do the job more efficiently and easily than you.
  2. Also, the wheel isn’t a flat surface or simply round. The three-dimensional build is different to work on with paint. You might not know the techniques needed to reach the deep grooves of the wheel and leave the area unattended.
  3. Paint application is a tricky job. You need to maintain the same shade, angle of application and the amount being applied throughout the wheel. This is where experience gives a professional the upper hand.
Regular and timely checks can help you save a lot of money, that you would otherwise, invest to get new wheels. Give them the care they deserve and they’ll always give you the top-notch performance levels and make sure you’re safe at all times.

For any queries related to wheel refurbishment, contact us at Wheels UK. Our proficient experts will be more than happy to resolve any issue that might be troubling you. Read more about Alloy Wheels UK

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What and Why of Wheel Alignment

We want to save and what we do is end up spending more. The same is with the wheel alignment of our cars. We think that it is not necessary and we will save significantly by not spending a dime on it regularly, until the problem escalates greatly. The problem doesn't end with just the misalignment of the wheels, it seeps into the tyres of your car. The tyres tend to wear out more quickly and show balding and uneven wear when the alignment of the wheels are off.

While we want a pleasant and comfortable ride, misaligned wheels will turn an ordinary day drive into a despicable experience. The reason attached to it is that wheel alignment helps your car to remain stable while you are on the roads.

The issues that can be related to a lousy wheel alignment are:
Pulling of the vehicle to the one
Modern-day cars are made very receptive. They can show the effects of malfunctioning in a very drastic way. If you experience that your car is pulling to the one side of the road after taking your hands off of the steering, then it might be because of the alignment problem. The measure of the need of the wheel alignment can be estimated by the force that the car is being pulled to the one side.

The steering is not straight
It is standard of the car and their manufacturing that the steering wheels should rest in a straight line with the road when the road is linear, and also the tyres are pointing straight ahead. If the steering is not in line with the way on a straight path, it means that your wheels are not aligned and that is why to drive your vehicle your steering is making its efforts to keep the car straight.

Lagging of the steering wheels
When you find that your steering is not responding according to your application, that is you experience a lag in the response time with the steering of your car then there is a probability that your vehicle is in need of wheels alignment.

Vibrating steering
The steering of your car vibrates when the vehicle is in the ignition mode. The reason can be an alignment problem that has occurred due to meeting a pothole or the kerb. You should get your vehicle checked with an expert, if your steering vibrates as there can be any other problem lingering with your car too.

Uneven wearing of the tyres
One of the best telltale for the lousy wheel alignment is the uneven wearing of the tread and balding of the tyres. The tyres are not evenly worn out, and bald patches start to appear. The spots get free of rubber, and it is easily visible with the naked eye. If you see this kind of problem with your tyres, get your wheels aligned after purchasing a new set of tyres for your car.

The decrease in fuel efficiency
Another significant consequence of wrong wheel alignment is the dropping fuel economy. You will have to make a lot of trips to the nearest fuel station, if your wheels are not correctly aligned. The reason for this is that tyres are one of the most important things that are needed for maintaining the fuel efficiency of your car. And when the contact of your vehicle is not performing correctly, how one can expect to have an excellent fuel efficiency.

Our experts recommend that you should maintain a habit of getting your wheels aligned with every interim maintenance checks. This will help you relieved from the tension of all the problems attached with the wheels and their alignments. You will surely feel the change in the comfort levels of your car and also will help you with the reason to get them aligned every time.

When you come to us, here at Wheels UK, we offer one of the most accurate wheel alignment using our advanced machines in the industry. The machines we have are precise to greater efficiency and correct to minimum errors. Our experts have tremendous experience in providing accurate and swift Wheel Alignment Coventry. To know more about our service, contact us today and talk to one of the experts Now.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Here’s Why You Should Never Upsize Your Wheels

The wheel is a component on which the tyres are mounted. It serves the purpose of providing support to the tyres and connecting them to the steering and suspension system. Other than the functionality, people focus on wheels because their positioning directly affects the ‘look’ of the vehicle. Therefore, people try to buy good-looking wheels. A recent trend has been noticed among drivers- using oversized wheels to make their vehicles look better. Using components with specifications that do not match with the manufacturer’s specification can not only cost you money but your safety too.

Wheels are customisable. They can be changed according to the vehicle-owners’ choice. However, does this mean we can choose any wheel we like? A rational answer would be ‘no’. The reason is, different vehicles are made with different specifications. Hence, every wheel will not work on every vehicle. If you are using oversized wheels to enhance the look of your vehicle, then you need to know the implications of it. Whether the ‘look’ is positive or not, we can surely say that using oversized wheels have their own share of disadvantages. We will discuss potential issues that you might face.


The first implication of oversized wheels is fitment issues. Large alloy wheels UK mean the tyre will rub against the wheel arch and the inside of the wheel when driving on uneven roads or making U-turns. Every car has a range limit when it comes to wheel sizes. If you exceed the specification range, the tyre might come in contact with the bodywork or suspension components. This will not only damage the look of the car but might compromise safety too.

Increased Expense On Tyres

The second implication of having oversized tyres is an increase in the expense of tyres. When the size of the rim increases, a large-sized tyre is also required. This means you will need to buy a bigger tyre. While purchasing the rim/wheel is a one-time job, tyres wear regularly. Hence, they also need to be changed regularly. This will directly lead to an overall increased cost.

Increased Risk Of Kerb Damage

By upsizing the rims, you might end up with a lower-profile tyre. It is because (apart from wheels on off-road vehicles) the overall diameter of a wheel is usually set in a manner that it fits the tyre well. This leads to a higher risk of kerb damage.

Slow Acceleration

Oversized wheels weigh heavier and therefore require more force from the axle. Hence, extra effort is needed to turn the tyres, and this causes slower acceleration. Putting an oversized wheel on a low-powered car would further hinder the performance and put extra stress on the car’s braking system and engine.

Do you require priority wheels UK? If you do, Wheels UK is the best choice for you. We also offer Alloy Wheels Coventry. You can visit our website and use our special wheel finder tool to browse through the wheel with specifications of your choice.